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[Name Removed]

As they drove back from Caddo Lake, Dan's car began to sputter and cough. About ten miles from home, the old Dodge seized up and died; rolling to a stop in front of an old grave yard. Emily thought then; This isn't a good sign.

Her eyes searched the deserted county road for signs of life, but found nothing but miles of fields and forests. And that graveyard.

"Don't tell me you ran out of gas!"

Dan pointed to the gauge: "Still half-full. Must be the carburetor, or maybe…” He grinned evilly.

Dan looked around. "The Jenkins' place is just over the hill. If I cut through the graveyard, I can be there in ten minutes and use their phone. You'll be okay here, right?"

Emily looked around and shivered involuntarily. "I'm not staying here. I'm coming with you." She fished through her purse for her tiny flashlight.

"Don't worry Em, the monsters don't come out until midnight , it's only 11:30.

Emily punched Dan on the arm. "Ha ha; very funny." She was about to say something sarcastic about the boogie man, but then she remembered Tony Jenkins, and the Caddo Creek Monster.

For years people in those parts had scared each other with tales of the Caddo Creek Monster. Emily had never paid much attention to it, laughing when her mother used the story to get Emily to behave.

But last year at a birthday party out by the lake Tony Jenkins had disappeared. They never found him, and the stories came up anew.

A howl came from deep in the woods. The sound struck Emily as lonesome and threatening at the same time. Dan took her hand, and they began to walk together in the darkness.

The full moon illuminated the headstones in the graveyard ,making them appear ghostly. The light caught one that read TONY JENKINS.

Dan saw it too and said, “He disappeared last year, right around here. His parents had to identify him by his pinky ring because the police never found anything but his left hand."

The hair on the back of Emily's neck rose at these words, but just then a pack of feral dogs appeared on the horizon, barking and snarling menacingly. Dan pulled on Emily’s arm and shouted, “Lets run for it!”

They ran for what seemed like ages until coming to a tall wooden gate. They scrambled up on top; panting and gasping for breath. The sounds came nearer and nearer, then just stopped.

"It's too quiet, something is wrong." whispered Dan. Emily almost screamed at the sudden sound. “The dogs seem to have left, though, and this is the Jenkins’ place. Let’s go use the phone.”

The house was shrouded in darkness; no lights could be seen. Dan knocked on the door; it creaked open slightly with an eerie sound.

"Anyone home?" Dan called out uncertainly pushing the door open wider. Trash and debris were strewn throughout and dirt touched every surface. The house looked empty and abandoned.

“What happened to the Jenkins?” Emily asked. “I don’t remember them moving.”

She was interrupted by a fierce growl coming from inside the house. Slamming the door shut Dan exclaimed, "One of the dogs must have gotten inside!"

But just then the door began to shake and rattle as something threw itself against the door repeatedly. They ran.

As they climbed over the gate they heard the door give way with a loud CRASH! Something screamed and collided with the gate. Emily heard scratching sounds as the thing clawed its way to the top. Dan stopped and grabbed her arm. " Wait ... it cant possible get over the gate."

Just then an odd shaped head with red glowing eyes appeared above the gate. It opened its mouth and a high-pitched scream came out. Then it dropped out of sight.

The door of the gate began to groan softly, and there was a loud CLICK CLICK as the creature slowly, and with great effort, turned the handle of the gate. They stood, transfixed with terror. Emily recovered first.


They tore through the graveyard, this time taking no notice of headstones. Though the trees Emily saw the waters of Caddo Creek reflecting in the moonlight, but did not stop to contemplate its beauty.

They heard the dogs again, but couldn’t worry about them now. They found the road and raced towards Dan’s car. Emily heard the sounds of pursuit but she could see the car now and doubled her speed.

She reached the car and jumped in, slamming and locking the doors without thinking. She realized Dan wasn’t there but before she could do anything about it truck headlights appeared in front of her on the county road. Emily turned on her own headlights and the vehicle flashed its brights in recognition, temporarily blinding Emily.

Just then something ran onto the road and the truck swerved violently. There was a horrid crunch as the truck’s front tires ran over whatever it was. As the truck screeched to a halt Emily saw that it was Dan’s Dad, Mr. Benton.

He leapt from the truck and ran over to see Emily. “Are you okay? When you two didn’t return I got worried and came to look for you. Where’s Dan?”

Emily tearfully told Mr. Benton everything while he attached a tow chain to Dan's car. He listened in silence until she got to the part about getting to the car and Dan not being there.

Mr. Benton looked panic-stricken. “You mean, Dan was right behind you? Oh no! What was that I hit?”

The both raced over to the spot on the road where Mr. Benton’s truck had run over something. There was fresh blood, drying on the ground, but there was nobody there.

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